The Seven Main Chakras

The chakras reside in our subtle or spiritual bodies and are mirrored by our physical body. During a reiki session there are seven main chakras that are cleansed and balanced.

1. Root or Base Chakra

Color: Red, brown, grey & black
Physical Body: Legs, feet and skeleton, teeth (also Throat Chakra) base of spine, bones & joints, bowels, large intestine, anus, prostate gland, testes, penis (also Sacral Chakra).

Balanced = Good health, stamina, perseverance, a healthy desire for basic requirements, such as warmth, food and shelter.

Unbalanced = Excessive fear, fight or flight reactions, anger or irritability, hold onto old hurts and outdated ideas, feelings of guilt.

Physical symptoms = problems in the feet, legs, bowels.

2. Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange, silver
Physical Body:  Abdomen, lower back, female reproductive system (also Root Chakra), blood, bodily fluids, hormones, menstrual & menopause, kidneys, bladder.

Balanced = sexuality and creativity, creates joy and releases negative thoughts and emotions.

Unbalanced = over indulgence in eating and sex, feelings of jealousy and confusion.

Physical symptoms = reproductive disorders, urinary problems, kidney dysfunction, lower back.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow
Physical Body = Pancreas, liver, digestive tract, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, autonomic nervous system.

Balanced = helps to transform hopes and aspirations (particularly materialistic) into reality.

Unbalanced = restless, indecisive, compulsive behaviour.

Physical Symptons = Digestive disorders.

4. Heart Chakra

Colour: Green primary/pink secondary
Physical Body : Thymus gland, heart, lower side of lungs, circulatory system, skin, hands.

The chakra is a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms and the centre of emotional well-being.

Balanced = give and receive unconditional love, which manifests as compassion.

Unbalanced = inability to love, anger, sadness and feelings of disconnection.

Physical Symptons = Respiratory and breathing difficulties, heart and lung issues.

5. Throat Chakra

Colour: Sky or light blue
Physical Body: Thyroid gland, throat and jaw areas, lungs, vocal cords, passage to ears.

Balanced = speak and listen in the spirit of truth, express anger and other emotions in a constructive manner.

Unbalanced = communication suffers, feeling angry, hostile and resentful may also be present. Low self esteem.

Physical Symptons = respiratory problems, dental disorders and low esteem may be present.

6. Brow or Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo
Physical Body:  pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, central nervous system

Balanced = Ability to grasp the whole picture, evolved intuition & imagination.

Unbalanced = Dreaming life away, headaches, unable to cope with pressures of modern life.

Physical Symptons = persistent headaches (especially in the center of the forehead), insomnia, anxiety and depression

7. Crown Chakra

Color: Violet merging into pure white & gold
Physical Body: pineal gland, upper brain, right eye

This Chakra has direct spiritual meaning.

Balanced = when it is fully developed, there is an understanding of ‘Oneness’ of universal existence, as well as a deep, true inner peace. It enables us to tap into higher levels of spirituality.

Unbalanced = blockages in the Crown Chakra feelings of loneliness, fearing death and negatively comparing ourselves to others.

Physical Symptons = problems in the body parts it correlates to.


Distant Reiki


Reiki and Menopause